How to Install Travertine Wall Tiles

Travertine tiles appear in a array of patterns and colors. These porous, accustomed rock tiles--part of the limestone family--are not as difficult to plan with as the added close stones, such as granite, and are simple to cut and sand. If you yield your time and accept backbone with yourself if installing travertine bank tiles, you will affect yourself with the outcome, whether you are application them in the bathroom, as a kitchen backsplash or anywhere else. Tackling this activity yourself aswell will save you money on able activity costs.


1. Prep the wall. If the bank is concrete, apple-pie it and set the asphalt beeline assimilate it. If the bank is drywall or wood, defended bedding of adhesive lath to it application adhesive lath screws and a assignment with a screwdriver attachment. This creates a bigger apparent for the thin-set adhesive to band to.

2. Decide the blueprint of the travertine tiles to advice you actuate area you should alpha laying the tiles. If you wish the tiles on the top row to be abate than the basal row, you will be able to set abounding tiles on the bottom, so you can alpha ambience on the actual aboriginal row. If you wish even tiles on the top and bottom, alpha ambience tiles centermost up the wall.

3. Mark the centermost band of the bank (measured top to bottom), application a band admeasurement and level. Screw a 1-by-2 lath beneath that band to abutment the rows of tiles you will set. From this point, you will set the top bisected of the wall.

4. Use the cleft burrow to advance thin-set adhesive assimilate the bank and the behind of a tile. Use a white thin-set, as travertine is actual absorptive and could besmear as it absorbs darker products.

5. Put the asphalt in its adapted area and advance it durably adjoin the bank so that the thin-set on the bank will band to the thin-set on the aback of the travertine tile.

6. Use the akin to ensure that the asphalt is set levelly and that the foreground of it is plumb.

7. Repeat this action for every asphalt getting set. Use asphalt spacers amid anniversary asphalt so that all the tiles are analogously spaced. You may charge to acclimatize the agreement to annual for accustomed variances in the sizes of the travertine tiles.

8. Cut tiles that do not fit as accomplished tiles. Admeasurement the adapted size, mark the admeasurement on the tiles and cut them with a wet asphalt saw. Cut forth your apparent band boring and exactly.

9. Abolish the 1-by-2 lath from the bank afterwards the thin-set on the top bisected of the bank has had time to set. Application a barometer tape, actuate how abounding abounding tiles will fit beneath the absolute tiles. Mark the band for the basal of the everyman abounding asphalt application a akin and pencil.

10. Set the lower bisected of the wall, repeating Steps 4 through 8. Measure, cut and set the top and basal rows of tile. Allow the thin-set adhesive to cure, afterward the artefact directions.

11. Mix the adhesive crumb with baptize in a brazier to anatomy a blubbery paste.

12. Scoop adhesive from the brazier with a adhesive float and advance it analogously into the spaces amid the tiles, bushing them fully. While the adhesive is still wet, clean the apparent of the bank with a sponge, rinsing it consistently to abolish balance grout.

13. Allow the adhesive to dry to the point at which it forms a brume over the apparent of the wall. Polish the brume off with a anhydrate or cheesecloth. Let the adhesive absolutely cure.

14. Apply sealer analogously to the absolute wall, application a anhydrate or rag.

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